5 Secrets You Should Know About Having an Author Box for a Blog Post


Having an author box at the end of your blog is one of the best ways to let the people know the actual person behind the creation of this content. If you don’t show the author box, the entire content will look incomplete and vague.

Author Box bio tells the readers about the author’s name, his Gravatar, and some of his other details which help the readers to connect with the content creator.

  • Enhances Creditability

When it comes to building trust and believes among its readers, the author box for WordPress allows you to display different info about the bloggers. They display names with their picture, which imprints a psychological impact in the mind of their readers. It becomes easier to connect when they have an image of the author in their mind.

  • Brings More Traffic To Your Writing

When visitors start reading and liking your blogs and articles, they’ll crave more for your writings. So in your bio, you can add the links of your other blogs. It will help the readers to know more about your content creation. Allowing readers to see your work without much effort is a positive sign in website optimization.

  • Showcase Confidence

Most of the bloggers usually right under a pen name and never shows their face. This could be because they are shy, or they don’t want all the attention. However, their potential can be seen in their content. They are not afraid of anything. Their confidence can be seen in their writings.

  • Personal touch

All the additional information about the author’s bio, social media accounts, and other details adds a feeling of personal touch to blog post for the readers and followers. The more the readers will know about these bloggers, the more their content will feel authentic to them.

  • Possibility To Collaborate

Other interested parties would like to collaborate with you if they like your work. Some readers from your host website might be interested in your work as well. The best author plugins like the Simple Authors Box for WordPress helps you extend your limits and collaborate with great authors.

Authors always wish to design their author box, where they can change the color palette of the author box of their choice, choose the font and style, decide, deciding author box placement, and get an option to open author’s link in new tab.

By using a Simple author box pro plugin on WordPress helps you in the best way you wish to design it. With all the above advantages, it also allows the author to enable the option to work with guest authors and co-authors. You get the option to change guest author as co-author. 


These 5 secrets will help you to understand the importance of the author box to any blog. Depending on your choice and preference, you can also customize your author box and take advantage of the pro plugins on WordPress. Hopefully, it will help you to develop your professional skills as a blogger.

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