Best Tips for Finding Long Tail Keywords

Hopefully by now, regardless of the size, nature, or age of your company, you are aware that your SEO content strategy needs to include long-tail keywords.
You can use the long-tail keywords you find as the title and main topic for a blog post or article that is highly targeted, or you can use them as variations to better optimize a longer guide or article that targets one main keyword.
For instance, by using the long-tail keywords in your subheads and image file names. Furthermore, highly particular long-tail keywords will be your best buddy if you’re executing niche marketing campaigns.
So where should you look to find those long-tail keywords that generate traffic and leads? These seven suggestions can help you get going.
1. Google Suggest
Long-tail keyword variations can be found in abundance in Google Suggestions. Simply begin putting your main term into the Google search bar to see what variations Google suggests. If your major keyword appears in a Google suggestion, you can be sure that people are looking for it.
These ideas may not restore your trust in humanity, but they may stimulate creative writing. In addition to Google’s suggestions, we advise you to look into a reputable Green Web Marketing company to learn more about SEO tactics.
2. Employ Related Searches on Google
Similar in concept to the Google Suggestions that pop up as you type your query, however these related search suggestions are displayed below the first page of organic results on the SERP. You might receive a few more ideas, and they might even be a little more tailored.
3. Employ more and various tools for keyword research
Every time you conduct keyword research, if you only use one keyword tool, you’re doing yourself a disservice and probably leaving out a ton of long-tail keyword variations. If you’re looking for more long-tail keywords, try these other options as well. The Google Keyword Tool is a great starter tool.
- WordStream’s Free Keyword Tool –
- Find out what others are searching for right now with Google Trends, such as “Who will win the 2022 world cup?”
- Social Media Tools, such as Twitter Search and the keyword tool for YouTube.
You’re more likely to discover long-tail keyword variations the more keyword tools you use.
4. Mine Your Analytics
Many, if not all, of the search terms that direct people to your website will be revealed by your statistics. You can discover a ton of long-tail inquiries that are bringing traffic to your website by looking through these keyword referrers. These terms might apply to your company but aren’t currently well targeted by a single page on your website.
5. Use the Search Query Reports to Mine
One of many ways that PPC data may improve your SEO is to use your Search Query Report the same way you would use your analytics if you’re running a PPC campaign in AdWords. Instead of your organic search results, your Search Query Report displays the search terms that led users to click on your advertising.
The fact that you have more complete access to this data than you do to your organic referrers in Google Analytics is an added plus. It might also be simpler to identify the terms that are generating conversions rather than merely traffic. Particularly worthwhile are long-tail keywords with high conversion rates.
6. Explore eHow
Keyword research, especially long-tail keyword research, is the main source of traffic for websites like eHow. Powerful algorithms are used by Demand Media, the organization behind eHow,, and other websites, to identify long-tail keywords that they can subsequently rank for with hyper-targeted content.
Even if you might not have access to Demand Media’s data sources or its astronomically profitable content algorithms, you can still benefit from this approach. Browse these sites for keyword ideas.
You can know that a keyword phrase has a lot of search volume if eHow is focusing on it and that advertisers are interested in purchasing placement on those pages. Another wise wager? Whatever they have designed to target those keywords is certainly fairly lame.
7. Visit Q&A Websites
Like Demand Media properties, Q&A sites can be a valuable source of long-tail keyword suggestions. We are referring to websites like Quora (here are some tips for using Quora to find content ideas)
- Yahoo Answers
- Amazon’s Askville;
- LinkedIn Answers
Long-tail keywords that are questions are excellent because it is crystal clear that these folks are looking for information and solutions.
8. Check out Wikipedia
Is Wikipedia the Internet’s best-optimized website? It surely ranks high. By imitating Wikipedia’s on-page SEO, you can gain a lot of knowledge. Check the Wikipedia entry for the basic word before conducting research on it.
You may also use the Control-F keyboard shortcut to search the page for your main term to see if any other synonyms pop up elsewhere in the text. For discovering groups of related terms, the “See Also” section found at the bottom of many Wikipedia articles can be useful.
9. Copy from rivals
Wikipedia frequently competes with you when you search for information. When pursuing a keyword term, you should, however, always consider the competition.
See what kinds of keyword variations are used on the pages that are ranking in the top 5–10 positions for the head and mid-tail terms you’re aiming to rank for. Let’s take the keyword “holiday crafts” as an illustration. See what keywords are being used on the page that ranks #1 for that term on Google.
10. Google Trends
Look no further than Google Trends if you need to find the most popular keywords currently (or in the past).
Google Trends allows you to compare the popularity of two keywords and determine whether interest in a certain search is increasing or decreasing. If you’re trying to target a certain region, you can also filter interest based on regions and subregions.
The use of this really basic (and hence constrained) Google service is totally free.
Long-tail keywords are your savior as the competition to rank well in search engine results increases. They are typically more targeted than short-tail keywords, have more purchase intent, and are frequently simpler to rank for. In order to increase your content strategy, use these long-tail keyword tools.