Challenges of Going Green


Going green is one of the most important things to be enacted when there is a threat to the environment. However, not all are open to this movement because of the challenges of going green. There are also people who think that this remediation is easy, but it requires a strong commitment and weighty responsibility.

Go green is one of the targets of many environmental scientists nowadays. Urging facilities to employ creative yet practical strategies to save energy, use renewable ones, reduce energy consumption, and fuel up products made from recyclable products. This encouragement to business infrastructures alone helps improve the state of the environment and reduce the financial demands of the establishments’ operations and transactions.

The Downside of Green Living 

While this movement aims to bring a lot more benefits, it is also a must to consider that there are also challenges that must be taken into consideration. Among these challenges are the following:

  • Insufficient availability of eco-friendly products

 Since the world is progressing towards advancement, many people just think about the modernity of goods and products. Perhaps for aesthetic or “coolness” purposes, only a few eco-friendly products can be seen around the marketing industry’s scheme. However, because these few products are rare, they are also pricy. (Rationale of economics’ Law of supply and demand: the higher the price, the lower the quantity demanded.)

  • Poor, Poor Garbage Disposal

This issue was discussed far, far back before, but this problem still lives today. Some people still do not know how to do proper waste segregation/management. The wastes inside garbage trucks/tractors/collectors are not properly labeled as biodegradable, nonbiodegradable, or recyclable. Some areas worldwide have an inefficient and flawed implementation of proper waste systems. Aside from this, there are many individuals that are still yet to be educated about the importance of this matter.

  • Cost 

Now, going green will result in a reduction of financial demands. Its starting point includes a demanding high upfront capital cost. This is because it commands a huge amount of money to build up eco-friendly infrastructures and systems, including new waste recycling units and other groundwork responsible for sorting, cleaning, monitoring, processing, and transporting.

Additional financial demands have also resulted from other matters such as orientation or educational discussion about the aspects of going green. The implementation of going green includes planning, implementation, and auditing. These phases are not all time cost-effective.

  • Lack of properly trained workers

Only a few establishments teach and educate their employees on incorporating living green in business. This limits the knowledge of the workers about the importance of going green. There is a lack of appropriate training among the working class, which must be addressed and resolved immediately.

What Should Be Done By Every Individual? 

You must keep in mind that this matter is not just for the sake of the environment. It is more like for the sake of the environment you live in. All things in it are also affected if something unfortunate happens by any chance. The significance of going green is challenging. The general lifestyle of people not for mere “change,” but for the improvement of each individual. It is establishing a new and healthy living manner that will benefit the entire world’s entirety.

Even if this post enumerates numerous ways you can do to live green, the bottom line, the endgame, and the nutshell will strengthen your living green commitment. If you are committed enough to change the world, you can pick up your old lifestyle and improve it by any means until you finally get used to it.

Final Thoughts

Given the challenges of going green, you might be thinking that it is just a waste of energy, time, and resources. However, if all sectors have the initiative to overcome these challenges, long term solution can be attained and not just a band-aid solution. Nothing starts easy. But once you get to resolve these challenges, it will benefit not only the present generation but also the future ones.

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