Digital Exhibition – The Evolution of the World Wide Web


7 Ways to Improve Your Digital Exhibition

Virtual events are a great way to get your message out there and connect with people.  Face-to-face events like tradeshows and conferences have been a staple in events management for centuries, but there is a relatively new trend of virtual events.

A real events management software company has provided these top 10 tips that will help you set up and run an effective digital event:

  1. Plan Ahead

It’s important to plan so that you can lay out the design for your online exhibition space before beginning the development. Designing your space should be done beforehand. Here you are going to have much more flexibility than when designing physical exhibition space, and – no need to book months in advance! The idea behind virtual events is that they are events that occur online. If you’re hosting a live event, you can broadcast it across the world through your events management software platform and increase your reach even further than you could before by attending tradeshows. A digital exhibition has the power to make events more accessible for people all over the world.

  1. Recruit a Team of Volunteers

Once your events management software platform is ready, you’ll need to start recruiting volunteers who can help out around the time of the show. These will be people who are involved in events in some way – they could be part of marketing groups or events agencies, for example. When planning an event, it is always helpful to have someone on your team who knows event management inside out.

  1. Build Buzz Early On

The sooner you can begin building excitement about your exhibition, the better! Use all social media channels available to drum up support early on. Word-of-mouth is also important here – let everyone know about your virtual events so they can recommend them to others and spread the word online. The buzz will help you get more people to your digital event.

  1. Announce Your Event in Advance

It’s important to build excitement early on, but don’t bombard your audience by announcing your event too early or too late – you want them to have time to save the date. Make sure they know that big event is coming up so that they can mark their calendars and prepare for the event coming into town! Give them just enough notice so that they can spread the word about it without being too far ahead of schedule.

  1. Send Invites at Least Two Weeks Ahead of Time

Once you’ve set a date for your exhibition, make sure everyone knows about it by inviting them personally with events software. You can send out invites through events management software to attendees and participants, which ensures that you don’t miss anyone important. If your event management software system allows for attendee registration, then you can also collect information from these people as well.

  1. Have a Call to Action

Don’t just hope that people will come! Give them specific directions of what they need to do to participate in your event – whether it’s visiting a website or filling out an application form. Make sure everyone knows exactly where to go beforehand so that the virtual event process runs smoothly when they get there. Make it easy for the attendees to participate.

  1. Set Up the Environment Ahead of Time

Make sure that your events management platform is adjusted to the requirements of the event. Maybe you will want to create custom environments like building a digital exhibition stand or hosting events in-world locations. It’s important to make it easy for people to join the virtual event – if it takes time for them to figure out how it works, they might just not bother!

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