How to make your websites SEO friendly?

Best SEO Singapore or search engine optimization is the best way to improve the indexing of your website on Google search engine. That’s why, it is highly recommended to make your website SEO friendly. For that you can use effective and communicative keyword with search engine. It is one of the successfully proven techniques and very helpful for generating great amount of leads. If you are not familiar with such techniques then you can also hire professionals for website development and promoting your business. If you want to DIY then given below are some useful tips to make your websites SEO friendly;
Plagiarism test
Writing unique content is very difficult when there numerous writers in the field and writing on the same topic. To make your content effective and original try not to copy and past the content you find on other websites. It may punch down your SEO greatly and is also illegal. To make your content unique write your own thoughts that are coming your mind instead of copying someone else’s. Most important subject your content towards the plagiarism test before posting it on your official website or different platform.
Try to use the keyword in the title too
The important thing to keep in mind while searching the keyword is that always select the one with higher search volume. This will surely list your website on the first page of search engine along with making it unique from your competitors in the market. Don’t fill your content with a dozens of keywords in every line use it properly and accurately. It is because sometimes it can create problems for search engine for listing your website on the first page. The important thing to keep in mind is try to use to the keyword in your title to attract the attention of your reader and search engine.