The Accessibe WordPress Plugin Makes Website Accessibility Easy for Users with Disabilities


Website accessibility is important for users with or without disabilities, as it helps them navigate through your site conveniently. If you are the owner of a site and wish to improve the accessibility of your site, you should install Accessibe, which is a popular web-accessible plugin for WordPress sites.

The Accessibe WordPress Plugin and how does it improve the accessibility levels of your site?

The Accessibe WordPress plugin comes with some attractive features for your site. It highlights different sections of the site and informs you which section has issues with accessibility guidelines or regulations. For instance, it lets you know whether there are problems with the color contrast between specific things on the site. However, you should keep in mind the fact that just because it displays an error message on your page, this does not mean that it has a problem with it. It indicates that you can improve the page over what you currently have.

For instance, one might install the plugin on their WP site and get an error about their About Page. This error prompt that the plugin gives you is to change the color contrast of the page so that the site is accessible to all. The text background may be placed too close to the background of the link, and this might be hard for users with visual impairments to see properly.

Small details are detected on the site

Besides the above, you will also receive warnings for broken links and alt tags that are missing on images. They will not pose major problems on your page, but they prompt you to make the website accessible in a better way, so why not take care of your site and heed to these issues.

After the above issues are fixed, you can always go back to the site and look at its results. While accessing the site, you might find certain things that you might not have picked up and could still need some work. Accessibe helps you to know precisely where the changes have to be done, how crucial they are, and what these changes must be. In this way, you can also see what is wrong with the site and make the changes without leaving the comforts of your WordPress dashboard. This is one of the best features you can get from this tool.

Make the changes and wait for the response

Once the changes are made, you need to check whether they are ideal for the users who visit your site. At times preferences guide users on the features they are driven to use. You just need to follow what Accessibe thinks about your site, implement the changes, and wait for your user’s response.

The Accessibe WordPress plugin catches small details of your site that can be boosted; however, some site owners might be bothered to fix them manually. This is where this plugin comes in handy; you can always use it to enhance the accessibility of your site to the targeted audience, irrespective of whether they have disabilities or not.

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